
Donation Request Policy

Brisbane Roar actively supports the local and greater Brisbane community through fundraising activities each year. Brisbane Roar receives thousands of requests each year for donations and support from individuals, clubs and charities from across Australia. We therefore require all requests for donations to adhere to the following policy:

1. All requests must be submitted in writing on club/company letterhead and/or have supporting documentation (i.e. function information sheet/flyer etc). Requests must be received at least four weeks prior to the fundraising event.

2. All written requests for donations are to be posted to:

Brisbane Roar FC
Donation Requests
Locked Bag 10
Kelvin Grove BC QLD 4059

3. Written requests must supply the following information:

– Background information on the organisation
– Why you are seeking a donation
– Specific donation request (cash donation, merchandise etc)
– How the donation will be used to benefit the organisation/individual
– When the donation is required by (should your request be approved)
– A contact telephone number and email address

4. Requests not submitted in writing in the above format will not be responded to or considered.

5. All written requests adhering to this policy will receive a response. However, our resources are limited and therefore we are unable to meet every individual request for donations due to the large number of requests received by the club each year.