
Stadium Information

Suncorp Stadium

Castlemaine St
Milton, Brisbane

Telephone: +61 7 3331 5000
Fax: +61 7 3331 5001
Web: www.suncorpstadium.com.au
Email: info@suncorpstadium.com.au

About Suncorp Stadium

Suncorp Stadium is south-east Queensland’s world class, state-of-the-art stadium and is considered by many to be the finest football venue in Australia. Situated in the heart of Brisbane city, Suncorp Stadium’s cauldron like design and proximity to the field ensures patrons a view and atmosphere unlike any other.

Originally established as a cemetery by Reverend John Dunmore Lang in 1840, the century that followed saw Brisbane grow rapidly and as a result, the city expanded west beyond Hale Street forcing the cemetery’s closure. By the end of the 19th Century, the unique suburbs surrounding the stadium were developed and heavily populated and this lack of open space led the Ithaca Council to petition for three acres of the site for use as recreational fields.

In 1891, the area was designed as a recreational reserve and was soon fenced off and used to facilitate football and cricket matches. With further urban development seemingly inevitable, increased public pressure to use the area for recreational purposes resulted in the local council persuading the Government of the day to re-use the dilapidated cemeteries.

Rubbish sites and parklands followed however the 6.2 hectare site was eventually fenced off and declared a public recreation reserve. Lang Park, as it was to be known, then evolved into a sporting precinct with tennis courts, athletic and football facilities.

In the years that would follow, Lang Park became home to some of Brisbane’s most avidly supported sporting bodies, including Queensland Rugby League and the Brisbane Broncos, as well as hosting international football, rugby union, rugby league and cricket matches. It even began hosting night baseball matches in 1972.

Following a report commissioned by the Queensland Government in 1999, a state-of-the-art modern stadium was proposed with construction commencing in 2001. By 2003, Brisbane was introduced to a ground that to this day holds a special place in the hearts of Queenslanders and is considered one of the sporting cathedrals of the state and city.

Your Suncorp Stadium event ticket entitles you to travel free, to and from matches, on the QR Citytrain rail and Brisbane Transport bus networks. Simply present your event admission ticket for verification to rail and bus staff as you board their services. Remember, no even ticket, no free travel.

Click here for stadium conditions of entry.

Parking and Public Transport

Brisbane Transport Services
Patrons catch regular timetable services. In addition, special shuttle bus services from the City, Carindale, Eight Mile Plains/Mt Gravatt (Garden City), Chermside and The Gap run direct to the stadium.

To the game: Special shuttle services will run at regular intervals for 2 hours before kick-off.

From the game: At the end of the game, patrons should make their way to their bus departure location. For a one hour period, high frequency bus services will operate.

QR Citytrain Services
Milton and Roma Street are the main rail stations for patrons traveling too and from Suncorp Stadium. Patrons in wheelchairs or with a walking disability should travel to/from Roma Street Station, then connect with a shuttle bus to/from the stadium.

To the game: Patrons can catch regular, timetabled services to either Roma Street or Milton Station.

From the game: Additional services to those scheduled will be provided on all lines to meet post-match demand.

Restricted Parking
On event days, parking restrictions will apply in the local area surrounding the stadium. Fifteen minute parking limits will apply in most of the restricted areas. On-the-spot fines will be issued to offending motorists.

Disability Access
Suncorp Stadium rivals the best football stadia in the world in catering for patrons with disabilities.

Key facilities
– The key facilities at Suncorp Stadium include:
– 228wheelchair positions (with generous seat widths);
– 228 escort seats;
– 312 enhanced amenity seats (with moveable arms);
– level walkways except for some low angle ramps;
– minimum edges or steps;
– equitable distribution of wheelchair positions around the stadium;
– wheelchair accessible entries and exits and phone and counter heights;
– manned lifts; and
– five wheelchair access gates.

Patrons with a disability can access the stadium via public transport.

Bus services
Brisbane Transport runs shuttle bus services between the city, including Roma Street rail station, and major suburban centres. From all destinations, at least one-third of the shuttle buses have low floor, wheelchair accessible buses.

Rail services
Patrons in wheelchairs or with a walking disability can use Citytrain services to and from Roma Street station. From Roma Street they can connect with a shuttle bus directly to and from the stadium.
Patrons can access lifts from the station platform to the subway and a ramp from the Roma Street Transit Centre to street level where shuttle buses will be available.
Staff are on hand at the station to assist in boarding the buses. Patrons with a disability should call Transinfo on 13 12 30 should they require assistance with making the train to bus transfer at Roma Street.
On arrival at Suncorp Stadium bus station, staff assist patrons to access the bus station lift.

Maxi-taxi and car drop offs
There are two set-down and pick-up zones, suitable for maxi taxis and cars carrying people with a disability, located at Castlemaine Street (between Cordova Street and Heussler Terrace) and Caxton Steet (between Hale Street and Castlemaine Street).
Maxi taxis can also use the taxi rank in Castlemaine Street near Caxton Street
After events, up to 10 vehicles, including maxi taxis, are able to wait in these zones for people with disabilities exiting the stadium.

Car parking for patrons with a disability
On event days, a car parking zone in Castlemaine and Cordova Streets are available for the holders of Blue Disability Parking Permits. Stadium staff are stationed in Cordova, Castlemaine and Chippendall Streets to assist in accessing the stadium.

Terms of admission & Spectator Code of Behaviour
Click here for Terms of Admission.
Click here for the FFA's Spectator Code of Behaviour.